Certificate Accounts
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4.00% APY* 7 month Certificate. Get Started >
We offer a variety of yields and terms to give you the flexibility to earn more on your money for a period of time that fits your needs. To get started, click Open a Certificate, choose if you are Joining Today or an Existing Member, then scroll down and select Certificate from the dropdown.
Competitive Rates
How Does a Certificate Work?
Open a Certificate account for the term you are interested in and you’ll receive the set APY for that term. Once your Certificate matures at the end of your selected term, you can either withdraw your money or renew your Certificate.
Features & Benefits
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Our no-fee Traditional or Roth Individual Retirement Account (IRA) is a great way to save for the future. An IRA allows you to take advantage of both long-term compounding and tax-deferred earnings growth to reach your savings goals faster.³
We’ll help you transfer money in a retirement plan at a previous employer into a Rollover IRA to keep your money working hard for you. Set up automatic deductions from your TCU savings or checking account to make funding your IRA even easier. We’re here to improve your financial wellness and a TCU IRA with no maintenance fee is a great place to start.
Learn More
We have other savings options to explore:
Checking Accounts
Money Market Accounts
Savings Accounts
Health Savings Accounts
*Annual Percentage Yield (APY) on the 7-Month Certificate Special is accurate as of 3-20-2025 and assumes principal and dividends will remain on deposit until maturity. Dividends compound monthly. Withdrawals may reduce earnings. Penalty for early withdrawal. Minimum opening deposit of $500 is required. Certificate will automatically renew on the maturity date at the nearest available standard term and dividend rate, not to exceed the term of the Certificate Special. Business, IRA and CESA Certificates are eligible for the 7-Month Certificate Special. Some restrictions apply. Rates and terms are subject to change without notice. See Certificate Account disclosure for complete details. Insured by NCUA.
Certificate Special (Including IRA and CESA) Minimum Initial Deposit $500.
1. Higher rate of return on a minimum deposit of $500. See Certificate Account disclosure for complete details.
2. Credited the last day of the month.
3. This page is intended to provide general information concerning IRAs, it is not intended to provide legal advice or to be a detailed explanation of the rules or how such rules may apply to your individual circumstances. For specific information, please consult your tax or legal professional. See account disclosure for complete details.
Travis Credit Union One Travis Way Vacaville, CA 95687
(707) 449-4000
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