How do I notify Travis Credit Union that my loved one has passed away?
Please contact us by one of these channels:
- Phone: (707) 449-4000
- Email: [email protected]
- Fax: (707) 469-1951
- Branch: Visit a Travis Credit Union branch
How long is the deceased settlement process?
The settlement process depends on various factors, including types of accounts, listed beneficiaries, no beneficiaries, etc. It is recommended you provide the required documentation as soon as possible so we can settle these accounts.
How do I get the documents required to settle the accounts?
Once you have submitted a case with Travis Credit Union, a representative will be assigned to assist you. The required documents will be mailed to you within 45 days. You may contact us if you would like to bypass the 45-day grieving period.
I have the Power of Attorney for these accounts. Can I just close them?
Power of Attorney becomes void at the time of death and you will no longer have access to the account. The account will be settled with the designated beneficiary or administrator of the estate.
Can you send me a list of decedent's accounts and balances?
Legally we cannot provide accounts balances or account activity unless it is provided with the administrator or executor of the estate documents.
What happens after we are notified?
After a Travis Credit Union representative is assigned to the case, the representative will take the following steps to protect the decedent’s assets:
- Place a lock on all affected accounts
- Close the debit, ATM and credit cards, as well as remove any authorized users
- Cancel any pre-authorized transfers
- Close online banking access, including Bill Pay
The required documents we’ll need from you
- Photo copy of the death certificate
- Additional documents such as a formal trust/amendments (if any), a marriage certificate or proof of legal name change to claim funds if you are listed as the beneficiary.
- EIN number to settle trust accounts
- Court-issued letters of testamentary or letters of administration if the estate is going through probate.
How do I protect my accounts from going through probate if I die?
By listing a beneficiary on your account, in the event of the death of all owners, and once the proper documents are provided (i.e. death certificate(s)), funds will be paid directly to the named beneficiaries as specified, by passing the probate process.
Are TCU accounts considered Pay on Death (POD) accounts?
While we don’t reference our accounts as Pay on Death (POD) accounts, naming a beneficiary makes them POD accounts and the same rules apply.