Insure and protect, mobile banner, Travis CU,

Insure and Protect

TruStage™ Life Insurance Plans

Travis Credit Union offers TruStage Life Insurance Policies to members to help them protect the people who matter most in their lives. Underwritten by CMFG Life Insurance Company, these plans are designed to fit your budget and provide excellent coverage.

You can learn more about this coverage by calling (855) 612-7909.

Get Life Insurance Guidance

TruStage™ is the marketing brand for Life insurance issued by CMFG Life insurance Company. The insurance offered is not a deposit and is not federally insured or guaranteed by Travis Credit Union.


Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance

Travis Credit Union wants to help protect your family with:

$1,000.00 Insurance Coverage Paid For You

As a TCU member age 18 or older, you can help protect your family’s financial future with Accidental Death and Dismemberment (AD&D) Insurance underwritten by Minnesota Life Insurance Company. In addition to the $1,000.00 Credit Union Paid Coverage, paid for you by Travis Credit Union, you can purchase additional coverage at group rates.

  • You are pre-authorized for additional coverage up to $300,000
  • Your acceptance is guaranteed – no medical exams or health questions
  • Benefits are paid to your beneficiary if you die from a covered accident

You cannot be turned down for the Credit Union Paid Coverage – or any additional coverage you may select. All coverage reduces by 50% at age 70 and older, regardless of age at enrollment.

Remember, the $1,000.00 coverage is at no cost to you, complimentary of Travis Credit Union.

Enroll Now

Robert Dudacek, Licensed Insurance Agent #972576-TN


Dental Benefits Max

Dental Benefits Max, through Aetna Dental Access, is an affordable nationwide dental plan that pays for itself on preventative dental care alone. This dental plan could save you hundreds of dollars per year on dental care!

Enjoy a 30-day free trial of Dental Benefits Max. After your trial ends, enjoy plans that start at less than $10 a month. Dental care has never been more affordable!

Get Started

Fraud Protection & Resolution

Protecting your private information is our top priority.

Fraud Protection and Resolution

Protecting your private information is a top priority at Travis Credit Union and if fraud occurs we want to help. We provide all of our checking account holders with a free, comprehensive Identity Theft Assistance service that helps you during the fraud resolution process.

Highly trained identity theft caseworkers will guide you through the process of restoring your identity and credit records. Also, our Personalized Fraud Resolution Kit includes valuable educational information about fraud protection and resolution, government agency contact information, personalized letters to credit bureaus and instructions about filing police reports and fraud alerts.

Learn More

Fraud Monitoring

What is Falcon Fraud Monitoring?
Falcon Fraud Manager is a Neural Network. A Neural network is a computer system modeled of the human brain and nervous system. The system uses a Predictive Software Application that detects card fraud quickly and accurately, minimizing member risk and protecting member card information. They recognize complex hidden patterns of fraud, as well as emerging schemes, while minimizing unnecessary referrals and interference with legitimate transactions. A Predictive Software Application is a system that gathers information based on patterns and trends to provide a safe guard.

What happens if my Debit/Credit card is blocked?
If the Falcon Fraud Manager decides there is potential risk of fraud, an outbound call will be made to the cardholder. The call will be made via their automated 2way Connect System. Outbound calls are made from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. in accordance with the time zone in which the cardholder lives.

If the account is queued after hours, the Virtual Analyst Warm Card block criteria will apply 24 hours a day and will always identify themselves as Travis Credit Union.

How will the Falcon Fraud Monitoring system contact me?
If a member's debit card or credit card has been blocked the Falcon Fraud Monitoring system will attempt to contact them a total of two times using the phone numbers on file. If the member is unable to be reached the member will receive a voicemail from Falcon, and the system will then attempt a second to contact the member but will not leave a second message. After the second attempt, the member will not receive another call unless there is another transaction queued for verification.

If a member makes a call back to Fraud Detection, the call will be answered by an IVR or Automated System. When a cardholder is calling back into the IVR to verify activity, they will be asked to validate the CVV/CVC2 as an additional authentication token. This additional token has performed well in identifying fraudulent attempts at validating transaction activity as it is often not included within visible point-of-sale compromise scenarios.

Through the automated system, cardholders identity will be validated using the billing zip code on the account. Cardholders will be asked to validate the last 3-5 transactions on the account as well as any other transactions the analyst deems as unusual.

Calls may be routed to a live analyst if:

  • Member is reporting a Lost/Stolen card
  • Member identifies possible fraudulent transactions
  • Member chooses to speak to a live analyst for questions
  • Member is unable to verify security or to enter valid information

If the member verifies fraud with a live analyst, the Falcon analyst will then transfer the member to TCU for the next steps.

Debit Cards

If the member is contacted by Falcon to verify transactions, Falcon will contact the member via phone call only.

The numbers Falcon will contact members with are: (877) 276-3721 or (888) 241-2440

If activity is verified, the Warm Card block will be removed from the card and the member will need to wait between 5 and 10 minutes to use their card. At the end of that time the account will automatically move back into the normal processing strategy. If fraudulent activity is present, the account will be reported as Fraud and the card will be closed and the member will need to contact Travis for the next steps. If the member is unsure, an Warm Card block will remain on the account so the cardholder can research the transaction.

Credit Cards

If the member is contacted by Falcon to verify transactions, Falcon will contact the member via phone call, email, and text message.

The number Falcon will contact members is: (866) 518-0213

For Credit Card Dispute updates or information, please contact the Chargeback team: 
(800) 268-1884, Option 4 or email Co-Op directly:

Members may also be contacted via email. With the email option, Members will receive an email when fraud is suspected.

Email Opt-Out Procedures:
Cardholders cannot opt out of email alerts. If a cardholder no longer wishes to receive email alerts, the member will need to contact TCU for assistance.

Example of Email Alert from Falcon Monitoring

Email Alert Sample

Cardholders may also be contacted text. With the text option, cardholders will receive a text message when fraud is suspected.

Text Opt-Out Procedures:
A cardholder can opt-out of text alerts at any time by replying “STOP” to a text message.

Example of Text Alert on Mobile Phone

Text Alert Sample

If you have any additional questions about the Falcon Fraud Monitoring system, please feel free to contact our Member Service Center at (707) 449-4000 or (800) 877-8328.

Member-Valued Protection: (MVP Debt Protection)

Member-Valued Protection (MVP) could make your monthly payment for you

Life is unpredictable but your finances don’t have to be. That’s why Travis offers MVP. It’s a voluntary payment protection you can add to an eligible loan to help you pay your monthly loan payments in case of unplanned events that cause financial hardship.

  • Sickness or Injury
  • Involuntary Unemployment
  • Death

For loss of life, it cancels your outstanding loan balance, up to the agreement maximum.

Call Insurance Services at (800) 877-8328 for more information today, or stop by a branch to add MVP!

Available Protection Options

Eligible members with qualified loans may select one of three protection packages.* The cost varies by plan and can be added into your loan agreement as part of your monthly payments.

Overview of Available Options


Life Plus

Involuntary Unemployment
Option 1 Yes check mark icon Yes check mark icon Yes check mark icon
Option 2 Yes check mark icon Yes check mark icon


Option 3 Yes check mark icon



Life Plus

(Available with all Options)
Give your family time to get back on its feet, financially.
All Plans: Cancels the remaining loan balance as of date of death, additional events protected include Accidental Dismemberment and Terminal Illness (up to $50,000, reduces at age 70 to 25%/max $12,500). Other protected events include Hospitalization, Family Medical Leave, and Loss of Life of a Non-Protected Dependent; for these events we will cancel your monthly loan payment. (Payment protection for 3 months or $3,000, whichever is less.)


Disability (Accident or Sickness)

(Available with Option 1 and 2)
Our Member Valued Protection may help you continue to focus on your health, not on your monthly loan payment. With our protection, all or a portion of the protected payment may be cancelled beginning the 31st day of the protected event. (Payment protection up to 12 months. Aggregate maximum of $12,000.)


Involuntary Unemployment

(Available with Option 1)
Our Member Valued Protection may help ensure your loan payment will be taken care of while you pursue new career opportunities. (Payment protection up to 6 months. Aggregate maximum of $3,000.)


Adding or Cancelling Protection

Member Valued Protection can be added at any time during the life of the loan. Cancellation of protection can be made at any time by the primary borrower. If your request is made within the first 30 days, we will refund any fees already paid.


Would you like to learn more?

Call Insurance Services at (800) 877-8328 for more information today, or stop by a branch to add MVP!


Your purchase of Member Valued Protection is optional and will not affect your application for credit or the terms of any credit agreement required to obtain a loan. Certain eligibility requirements, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please contact your loan representative, or refer to the Member Agreement for a full explanation of the terms of Member Valued Protection. You may cancel the protection at any time. If you cancel protection within 30 days you will receive a full refund of any fee paid.

Recuperative Care

Members-only Recuperative Care Plan: Get Cash Benefits While You Get Better

Paid directly to you for a covered accident or all sickness—even a pre-existing condition:

  • up to $200 a day per covered hospitalization due to all sickness (up to $1,400 a week)
  • up to $400 a day per covered hospitalization due to any covered accident (up to $2,800 a week)

Guaranteed Acceptance. No Health Exams or Questions.

You will be notified by mail when this members-only coverage is available to you.

Benefit Plan Administrator:
Franklin Madison Group
P.O. Box 41500
Nashville TN 37204-1500


For additional information, please call our administrator Group at 855-624-5178 to reach a friendly representative who will assist you.


Terms, conditions, and exclusions apply, see site for details. Plan benefit amounts reduce by 50% at age 65 and by an additional 25% at age 75, regardless of age at enrollment. For California Residents: Insurance product offered by Franklin Madison Insurance Services LLC. Underwritten by Minnesota Life Insurance Company.

Self-Service Portal for Insurance Documentation

We've made submitting your proof of insurance easy. Need to provide proof of insurance for a new loan or to update your existing insurance information? Use the button below to submit or view your information. You can use the reference ID and PIN you received, or click "No PIN" if you don't have this information.

Visit Insurance Portal

If it is more convenient, fax your documents to (877) 839-9354.


Proof of Insurance

A declaration page that includes the following information is the most efficient way to provide proof:


  • Name of Insured
  • Policy Period
  • Policy Number
  • Vehicle Description
    (year, make, model, & VIN)
  • Comprehensive & Collision coverage
    (deductible maximum for each is $1,500)
  • Travis Credit Union listed as Lienholder:
    Travis Credit Union
    P.O. Box 924608
    Fort Worth, TX 76124


  • Name of Insured
  • Policy Period
  • Policy Number
  • Property Address
  • Coverages and Limits
  • Travis Credit Union listed
    as Lienholder:
    Travis Credit Union
    Its Successors and/or Assigns
    P.O. Box 924608
    Fort Worth, TX 76124

If you don't have access to this information, send us your insurance identification card or give us a call at (800) 877-8328.


We're Here To Help

Call (800) 877-8328 or visit a branch near you.

COMMUNICATIONS – You agree that representatives of the Credit Union or its agents may call or send text messages to you regarding this account or any other account you have at the Credit Union at any telephone number that you provide to us or that representatives of the Credit Union or its agents obtain from other sources, now or later. This authorization includes calls and text messages made to cell phones and wireless devices using an automated dialing system or prerecorded message.