How To Change My Username and Password

Safety & Privacy

This document walks you through the process of changing your Username and or Password.

If you do not know your Username or Password, click here.

  1. Click on User Settings and from the drop-down menu select Security.
    User setting screen, security tab
  2. On the Security page go to the Credentials tab.
    Credentials tab, mobile view, Safety and privacy, Digital Banking
  3. Click Change Username
    Change User name screen
    Note: Username must be between 8-32 characters.
  4. To Change your Password enter in your Old Password and then New Password. Re-enter new password in the Confirm Password field.
    Change password from old to new
    Note: Password must be between 8-32 characters and contain at least one letter, one number, and one of the follow special characters: !@#$%^&*(). Password cannot include First, Middle, or Last names; Member Number; Username.
  5. Click Save.

Result: You have successfully updated your Username and/or Password on your account.

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