How To Use Spending
Analysis on the Mobile App

Financial Wellness Tools

This document covers how to use the Spending Analysis feature on your mobile device.

The Spending Analysis feature is a tool that can help you understand your spending habits and better budget for future goals.

Activate Spending Analysis

  1. Go to your Account tabs.
  2. Scroll down to the Spending Analysis section and click Activate.
    1 spending analysis screen, financial wellness, digital banking, Travis CU
  3. Read and then check the Terms of Agreement box.
  4. Click Activate.
    click activate, spending analysis screen, financial wellness, digital banking, Travis CU
  5. Once submitted, your spending analysis may take anywhere from a few minutes, up to 24 hours, to show in your account.

Result: You will see a notification that your Activation is in Progress.
results activation in progress, spending analysis screen, financial wellness, digital banking, Travis CU


Using Spending Analysis

  1. Scroll down to the Spending Analysis tile under the Accounts tab.
  2. Click View More Details.
  3. Optional, you can select which accounts you wish to be included in the analysis by using the Accounts Selected drop-down menu.
  4. Optional, select a Category Group. *Group and Category options are automatically assigned. You can recategorize expenses.
    • To recategorize expenses, select any transaction, type in the desired Name and pick a new category if desired from the drop down. Click Save.

    category group, spending analysis screen, financial wellness, digital banking, Travis CU
  5. Select a Desired Time Span. Options are Last 7 days, Last 30 days, Last 365 days, Month to Date, Year to Date, Custom.
    results summary chart, spending analysis screen, financial wellness, digital banking, Travis CU

Result: You have set up and/or accessed the Spending Analysis feature within the mobile banking app.

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