How To Set Goals

Financial Wellness Tools

This document covers how to set up goals in TCU’s digital banking platform.

  1. From the View My Accounts tab scroll down to the Savings Goal section and select Create a Savings Goal.
    1 savings goal screen, how to set goals, financial wellness, digital banking hub, Travis CU,
  2. Fill out all the form:
    • Select which account you will save to.
    • Select what you are saving for.
    • Enter a description of your goal.
    • Enter Amount greater than the amount currently in your selected account.
    • Enter Target Date

    New savings goal screen, how to set goals, financial wellness, digital banking hub, Travis CU,
  3. Click Create Savings Goal to save.
    vacation goal screen, how to set goals, financial wellness, digital banking hub, Travis CU,
    Note: You can only set up one goal per savings account.

Result: You have created a savings goal.

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