71st Annual Meeting Notice

Elections will be held Thursday, April 28, 2022, for the Board of Directors and the Supervisory Committee during our online Annual Membership Meeting. There are three Board of Director positions and one Supervisory Committee position up for election. All Board and Supervisory Committee positions are for three‐year terms.

If you wish to stand for election, please mail your resume and cover letter expressing interest in either the Board or Supervisory Committee to the Governance Committee at the address below.

You may bypass the nomination process and become a candidate by submitting a petition signed by 380 members who are eligible to vote in the election.

To obtain petition guidelines and forms, please contact Travis Credit Union at (707) 449-4000. Your cover letter, résumé and signed petitions must be postmarked no later than midnight on December 29, 2021 to be considered by either nomination or petition.

The positions are voluntary and there is no monetary compensation for service. Requests for nominations and petitions should be mailed to:

Governance Committee
Travis Credit Union
2010‐A Harbison Drive #170
Vacaville, CA 95687