Phone Numbers
Member Service Center
(707) 449-4000 or (800) 877-8328
Monday – Friday: 8 a.m. – 7 p.m. (PDT)
Saturday: 9 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Home Loan Center
(707) 469-2000 or (888) 698-0000
Monday – Friday: 9:30 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. (PDT)
Call-24 Phone Banking
(707) 449-4700 or (800) 578-3282
Insurance Services
(707) 449-4000 or (800) 877-8328
Self-Service Portal >
Investment Services
(888) 449-6030
to apply for a new loan by phone
(707) 451-5350 or (800) 449-4110
Debit / Credit Card Fraud Information
(707) 449-4000 or (800) 877-8328
Credit Card:
Report lost or stolen AFTER hours.
During business hours, the call must come to TCU.
Both in and outside the US.
(866) 518-0213
If the long distance company you are using doesn’t offer direct dialing services, you must use the operator assisted service.
For Operator Assisted calls from outside the US into the US, you use:
Card Activation (Credit Cards):
Both in and outside the US.
(888) 691-8661
International Activation:
(888) 891-2435
Credit Card Disputes:
(800) 268-1884, Option 4
or email Co-Op directly:
PIN Change for Credit Cards:
(888) 891-2435
Co-Op Mobile Wallet Activation:
(800) 870-4186
Debit Card:
Report lost or stolen AFTER hours.
During business hours, the call must come to TCU.
North America: (888) 241-2510
International, toll-free: 00+1+(909) 941-1398
Temporary Blocks of Debit Card AFTER hours
(888) 241-2440
Real Estate Payoff Statement Request
Contact Loan Servicing
Travis Quick-Pay™
(707) 449-4000 or (800) 877-8328
Visit the Travis Quick-Pay website
Verification of Deposits or Assets
Fax: (707) 469-1951
The fee for the service is $10.
Holiday Closures
In recognition of the following holidays, all branch locations and our member service center will be closed:
- New Year's Day
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Day
- Presidents Day
- Memorial Day
- Juneteenth Day
- Independence Day
- Labor Day
- Indigenous Peoples' Day
- Veterans Day
- Thanksgiving Day*
- Christmas Eve: 2 p.m. Early Closing
- Christmas Day*
For your convenience, Call-24 Phone Banking, Online Banking and PhoneLoans will be available on these holidays.
*PhoneLoans not available on these holidays.
Corporate Offices
One Travis Way
Vacaville, CA 95687
Mailing Address
Travis Credit Union
P.O. Box 2069
Vacaville, CA 95696
Deposits & Loan Payments Only
Travis Credit Union
P.O. Box 2540
Vacaville, CA 95696
Lienholder Address for Insurance Purposes
Travis Credit Union
P.O. Box 924608
Fort Worth, TX, 76124
Lienholder Address for Titling
Travis Credit Union
P.O. Box 2069
Vacaville, CA, 95696
Shipping & Overnight Mail
Travis Credit Union
One Travis Way
Vacaville, CA 95687
Unresolved issues or problems
regarding the credit union should
be directed to:
Travis Credit Union
Audit Committee
P.O. Box 2070
Vacaville, CA 95696
Service of Process
Subpoenas, summonses, or other legal process should be personally served on Travis Credit Union’s agent for service of process at our Corporate Offices, from 8am to 5pm, Monday through Friday:
Attn: Michael Levy, General Counsel
Travis Credit Union
One Travis Way
Vacaville, CA 95687
Please deliver your documents to the staff at the Support Services/ Security Desk inside the employee entrance on the south side of the building. Call the Member Service Center at (800) 877-8328 with any questions.
Note: Neither branch staff nor security are authorized to accept service of process.