Business account requirements, mobile view banner, Travis CU,

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What you need to open a TCU Business Account

There are various requirements to open a TCU Business Account, depending on the type of business organization you have filed. Please see the information below for details about the types of businesses we service. If you have any questions, please contact Business Services at (707) 469-2042.

  1. Social Security Number (SSN) of the owner of the business, or
  2. Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) of the owner of the business, or
  3. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business or in the name of the owner.
  4. Fictitious Business Name Statement (FBNS) filed within the last five years in the county the business is located, if applicable. (The FBNS is not required when the owner’s surname/last name is used in the business name, such as Bates Pool Care or Thompson’s Handyman Service. However, if the business name implies other business owners, i.e. Smith & Sons, Anderson & Company, or Jones and Associates, etc., then a FBNS is required.)
  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business.
  2. General Partnership Agreement signed by all Partners OR
  3. Fictitious Business Name Statement, filed within the last 5 years in the county the business is located.
  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business.
  2. Filed Certificate of Limited Partnership.
  3. Limited Partnership Agreement signed by all Partners.
  4. Fictitious Business Name Statement (FBNS) filed within the last 5 years in the county the business is located. (The FBNS is required ONLY if the LP is using a DBA.)
  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business.
  2. Filed Application to Register a Limited Liability Partnership.
  3. Limited Liability Partnership Agreement signed by all Partners.
  4. Fictitious Business Name Statement (FBNS) filed within the last 5 years in the county the business is located. (The FBNS is required ONLY if the LLP is using a DBA.)
  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business.
  2. Filed Articles of Organization.
  3. Fictitious Business Name Statement (FBNS) filed within the last 5 years in the county the business is located. (The FBNS is required ONLY if the LLC is using a DBA. 
    If the LLC was established in another state or another country:
  4. Application to Register a Foreign Limited Liability Company (LLC), filed with the California Secretary of State, AND/OR
  5. Certificate of Registration from the California Secretary of State.
  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business.
  2. Filed Articles of Incorporation.
  3. Fictitious Business Name Statement (FBNS) filed within the last 5 years in the county the business is located. (The FBNS is required ONLY if the Corporation is using a DBA.) 
    If the Corporation was established in another state or another country:
  4. Statement and Designation By Foreign Corporation filed with the California Secretary of State, AND/OR
  5. Certificate of Qualification from the California Secretary of State.

NOTE: If the Non-Profit Association is incorporated, refer to the Corporation section.

  1. Employer Identification Number (EIN) issued by the IRS in the name of the business.
  2. Filed Articles of Organization OR
  3. Filed Registration of Unincorporated Non-Profit Association OR
  4. Filed Statement of Unincorporated Association.
  5. Governing documents stating elected officers, signed and dated by the Secretary.

Satisfactory proof of business mailing address is required for all ownership types. See TCU Representative for details.